Hospice Care in Bethlehem PA: There may not be a black and white answer in your senior’s situation.
Hospice Care in Bethlehem PA: There may not be a black and white answer in your senior’s situation.
Hospice Care in Bethlehem PA: Watching a family member edge closer and closer to the end of her life is not easy and it can quickly exhaust you as a caregiver.
Hospice Care in Bethlehem PA: September is national fruit and veggies month. This is the ideal opportunity for you as a family caregiver to evaluate your senior's diet, and find ways you can introduce new fruits and veggies into their meals and snacks.
Hospice Care in Bethlehem PA: No matter how well prepared you are as a caregiver, there are probably things you're missing, especially if your senior is approaching the end of her life.
Hospice Care in Bethlehem PA: For some family caregivers, simply hearing the word hospice can inspire all sorts of scary thoughts. If that's the case for you, some of this information can really help.