As your loved one’s family caregiver, you might find yourself watching for signs that your loved one might be giving up. Her willingness to explore the options offered by palliative care providers might be one such sign that concerns you. The truth, however, is that palliative care is simply a different type of illness management and doesn’t mean that your loved one’s mental state is something to worry about.
It’s Not Just for People Who Are Dying
A common misconception is that palliative care means that your loved one is quite close to the end of her life. While this can be true in some situations, it’s not necessarily the case for everyone who decides to opt for palliative care. This is about improving your loved one’s quality of life as much as possible.
Chronic Health Conditions Need Special Care
So many health conditions require additional care and your loved one may decide that the traditional treatment methods are not working as well for her as she’d like. Palliative treatment plans focus on relieving the symptoms your loved one is facing. Progressive illnesses, such as heart disease or COPD, may require increasing levels of care over time.
Health Care Can Be Complicated
Chronic health conditions come with a variety of other issues, including emotional pain and distress. Palliative treatment offers a way for your loved one to deal with the emotional aspects of her illness. This might involve dealing with grief or even just the stress of having a chronic health problem. Everyone’s experience is different, too. Your loved one may need more hands-on help at some times than at others.
Your Loved One May Change Her Mind
Even if your loved one isn’t interested in more traditional medical treatments for her health conditions now, that doesn’t mean that she won’t change her mind. Your loved one’s health may also improve to such an extent that she no longer feels the need to have the help of her palliative care providers. This is a type of treatment that your loved one can enter into and leave as she needs it.
Ultimately, this type of care is about getting your loved one the best quality of life that she can possibly have.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering palliative care in Norristown, PA, please contact the caring staff at Serenity Hospice today. Call (215) 867-5405.