Cancer is a terrifying illness for your family member and it comes with a multitude of treatment options and possible outcomes. For a patient who is nearing the end of her cancer journey, however, having other care options can make life and managing illness so much easier.
Managing Symptoms, Including Pain
Cancer and the different forms of treatment for cancer bring with them a whole variety of symptoms that are often unpleasant and uncomfortable. The biggest issue for your family member may be the pain associated with both the cancer itself and with any treatment methods she’s tried. Nausea, insomnia, and problems with appetite are other problems that she might wrestle with regularly. Having help from care providers who have experience managing these symptoms is crucial to improving your family member’s quality of life.
Having a Feeling of Control
Battling cancer and facing these end-of-life issues is often a fast way to start to feel out of control. By putting a team in place that she trusts, your family member is far more likely to start to feel as if she has more control again of what is happening in her life. This can be one of the most important aspects of end-of-life care for cancer patients because so much happens to them that is beyond the scope of their control.
Finding Emotional Support from People Who Understand
Your family member may well have a support system made up of friends and family who are there for her. But having a support system made up of people who are extremely experienced in dealing with these sorts of issues is slightly different. There is a level of understanding there that your family member doesn’t have to wait for in order to experience.
Spending Quality Time with Loved Ones
When your family member has other ways to get her needs met, that frees up you and other family members to be able to simply spend time with her. That doesn’t mean that you’re never supposed to help her with practical concerns, of course. But it does mean that there are other people helping to shoulder those tasks so that you and your family member have more quality time together.
There’s no right or wrong time for your family member to seek out end-of-life care for her condition. She may find that the extra support that this type of care provides for her can help her to manage the rest of the decisions she and you need to make.
If you or an aging parent are considering end-of-life care in Upper Darby, PA, please contact the caring staff at Serenity Hospice today. Call (215) 867-5405.