Getting the help that you and your aging family member need at the end of her life doesn’t have to mean that you’re managing everything yourself. Having the assistance of elder care providers that you trust frees you up to focus on what you really need to focus on at this time.
It Keeps Her in a Familiar Environment
Unfamiliar environments tend to make things so much more difficult for your aging adult. This is especially true if she has any neurological disorders and illnesses, such as dementia, that leave her confused about where she is. Location can be everything when it comes to managing your senior’s end-of-life care.
You Have a Personalized Plan
During this time, personalization can be everything. Your senior’s health and needs can’t fit into one neat box and her care plan shouldn’t, either. Depending on your aging adult’s needs, her elder care providers can put you in touch with specialists and professionals who can help you to meet those needs. The plan that you and your senior’s care providers are putting together is about covering all of the bases, not just a few of them. It’s a comprehensive plan that takes all options and obstacles into account.
Your Senior Has a Say in What Happens
This is not about shutting down your aging adult’s voice or even your own. What she needs and wants is paramount at this time. If she has lingering fears about this issue, do what you can to make decision-making transparent. Include her in major and minor decisions so that she understands you’re serious about keeping her informed and involved. Many seniors worry that this type of care situation is going to remove some of their dignity. Showing her otherwise is vital.
The Entire Family Can Get Help
Hospice elder care is about holistically treating the entire situation, so they can also help you to find the right tools to meet the needs of your family as well as yourself. Even if you’re still waiting for some family members to be ready to deal with the situation your aging adult is facing, you still have options you can offer to them.
Elder care during this difficult time helps to ensure that nothing is overlooked and that you’ve all got the tools that you need for this transition.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering elder care in West Chester, PA, please contact the caring staff at Serenity Hospice today. Call (215) 867-5405.