As your elderly family member nears the end of her life, it’s time to start talking about what she wants to happen. This is when the talks about whether she wants to be cremated or buried happen, especially if you’ve never talked about these topics before. It can take some doing to get to the core of these decisions, though.
Sometimes Aging Adults Don’t Want to Talk about This
Talking about end-of-life concerns can be incredibly difficult. In fact, your elderly family member might do a lot to avoid having this conversation with you and with other family members. While you do want to respect her wishes and you don’t want to upset her, this may be a conversation that you need to gently lead her into.
It’s about Helping Meet Her Final Wishes
Let your elderly family member know that this is about making sure that you’re doing what she wants done at the end of her life. If you don’t know what it is that she wants, you can’t possibly help to make that happen for her. Often a reminder that you just want to be there for her in all the ways that you can is enough to bridge remaining gaps.
You’ll Know You’re Doing What She Wants
As your senior’s caregiver, it can be really important for you to know that you’re doing what she wants at the end of her life. There’s a lot that you can’t control or take care of for your senior, but this can be one of the few situations that you are able to get just right.
You Can Get Help Putting Her Plan in Motion
You don’t have to do this alone, though. End-of-life care providers can help you and your elderly family member to work through what it is that she wants during this time. They can also help you to find the resources that you need in order to put this plan together. This can feel like a lonely time in which you’re making painful decisions, but you can have experienced help to make it all easier.
It’s not a good idea to pressure your senior into having this conversation if she’s not ready, but it’s better to have this talk sooner rather than later. Open the door to the topic regularly and be open to hints from your family member that she is ready to talk.
If you or an aging parent are considering end-of-life care in Philadelphia, PA, please contact the caring staff at Serenity Hospice today. Call (215) 867-5405.