Four Tips For When You’re Exhausted and Your Senior Is Near the End

February 22, 2019 by Michael Drew, LNHA

When your elderly family member is near the end of her life, you might find that you’re feeling drained and exhausted. How you deal with that makes a big difference in being able to continue supporting your senior and other family members.

Sleep When You Need to Sleep

Because of the situation, you may be afraid to go to sleep, even when you desperately need some sleep. Or you might find that when you lie down to try to sleep, your anxiety about your senior’s situation ramps up even more. Remember that if you’re not sleeping at all, you’re not going to be able to help your senior or anyone else. You have to get some rest, even if you’re not sleeping deeply.

Make Sure You Eat a Real Meal

Another reason that you might be feeling exhausted could be that you’re not eating the way that you should. Often grief robs you of your appetite, but your body still needs fuel in order to function. That means that you’re burning resources to keep going without adding any fuel to the reservoir. Even if you don’t feel like eating, try to eat at least one real meal a day. You might be shocked at how much better you start to feel.

Lean on Hospice Care Services to Handle Practical Matters

You don’t have to handle everything yourself. Hospice care providers can take over the practical aspects of your elderly family member’s care so that you and other family members can deal with the emotional end of things. Freeing you up from some of your caregiving tasks can help you to be there for other family members who aren’t sure how to deal with what’s happening.

Express Your Emotions, but Do it Appropriately

You might be tempted to bottle up your emotions, but that isn’t going to help you or anyone else. You need to express how you’re feeling, but do so appropriately. If you’re angry and want to scream, you can do that, but pick and choose your moments and where you do that carefully. Having outlets for your feelings is vital during this time.

Exhaustion is a normal part of caring for someone who is at the end of her life. You still must take care of your needs, because those don’t simply end. Make sure that you’ve got a support system for yourself and take advantage of whatever help you have.

If you or an aging parent are considering hospice care in Bethlehem, PA, please contact the caring staff at Serenity Hospice today. Call (215) 867-5405.

Serenity Hospice provides caring and compassionate hospice care services to patients and families throughout its servicing counties in PA.



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